Activate Prior Knowledge (5 minutes)
Before reading the articles, ask students to think about common pets: cats, dogs, hamsters, birds, fish. Why do these animals make good pets? Together, make a list of qualities that make a good pet. Based on these qualities, what other animals might make good pets that we don’t usually think of as pets today? Discuss.
Preview Text Features (15 minutes)
Guide students to locate the articles. Then preview the text features by asking the following questions:
- Look at the photo of the hamster on page 27. What words would you use to describe the hamster? Sample answers: cute, cuddly, fluffy, soft, playful.
- Next, look at the animals in the timeline titled “Pets Through Time.” What words would you use to describe these animals? Answers will vary.
Preview Vocabulary (10 minutes)
- Point out the vocabulary boxes. Read the words (loathed, attitudes, bred, venture, exotic species) aloud and discuss their definitions.
- Play the Vocabulary Slideshow.
Make a Plan for Reading
Before students start to read, walk them through a reading plan:
- Set a purpose for reading by telling students that the articles discuss the histories of different pets.
- Tell students that after they read, they’ll synthesize information from the two articles to better understand how we came to take certain animals into our homes as pets.