To: Pearview Middle School Students
Subject: New Weather Day Policy
Dear students,
Beginning February 1, our school’s new weather day policy will take effect. This rule states that classes will no longer be canceled because of snow, storms, or extreme heat. Instead, we will hold classes remotely.
You may be wondering why we’re making this change. Learning at home is easier than it’s ever been. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Pearview gained some of the best online learning tools. These tools can keep us connected even when we can’t be in the classroom.
In addition, our state requires 180 days of school each year. Canceling classes because of bad weather often means we must make up those days later. This way, we won’t have to shorten your spring or summer breaks.
I realize this policy may be disappointing, but I believe it is for the right reasons. We all lost out on a lot of learning at the start of the pandemic. This new rule will prevent that from happening again.
Principal Martinez