LeBron James smiling while holding a basketball in front of an orange background

Adam Pantozzi/NBAE via Getty Images



How HIS Name Got on YOUR Sneakers

Today, sports stars like LeBron James make big bucks by selling everything from soda to shoes. Ever wonder how it all started?  

a pair of purple and yellow sneakers

Courtesy of Nike

Nike Air Max LeBron 7 sneakers

    LeBron James isn’t just a basketball player. He’s a business. Follow him on Instagram and he’ll let you know about his latest movie. He’ll advertise cereal and cars, sneakers and soda

    All those ads have made LeBron rich beyond his dreams. And he’s not alone. TV and social media have turned top athletes into celebrities. Many of them make more money off the field than on

    When did athletes begin to turn their fame into cash? It all started 100 years ago with a guy named Babe Ruth.

The First Superstar

    Until the 1920s, athletes made small amounts of money advertising baseball bats or beer. But it wasn’t easy for an athlete to get famous. Newspapers and radio stations didn’t report on teams in other cities. Most fans knew only their local players. 

    Then came Babe Ruth. He was a new kind of baseball player. No one had ever seen a batter hit the ball so hard and so far. 

    But Ruth was also different because he was the first athlete to have an agent—someone to handle his business affairs. In 1921, Ruth hired a guy named Christy Walsh. He set up radio interviews. He got reporters to fill newspapers with stories about Ruth’s every move. 

    All that hard work paid off. Before long, Ruth was the most photographed person in the world. Everywhere he went, he was mobbed by fans.

black and white picture of Babe Ruth next to old ads with his face on them

Mark Rucker/Transcendental Graphics/Getty Images (Babe Ruth); Transcendental Graphics/Getty Images (Ads)

Old-Time Ads
Baseball star Babe Ruth sold everything from underwear to chewing gum.

The Salesman

    Walsh wasted no time making money from Ruth’s fame. He got Ruth’s name on more than 100 products

    Ruth advertised candy bars and soda. He helped sell cigars and chewing tobacco. He even had his own line of underwear

    Ruth was still very popular when he died in 1948. At the time, Americans were just discovering television. Before long, millions of people would be watching games and ads in their own homes

    Now social media has made sports stars even more famousand richer. In 2020, LeBron made $60 millionnot including his basketball salary. If Ruth were still around, that would probably make him happy

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