Practice using stage directions to boost fluency.
Before reading the play, discuss the purpose of stage directions. Explain that they give an actor information about how a line should be spoken.
Tell students that people’s feelings or circumstances can affect the way they speak. Demonstrate this idea by asking students to try saying the phrase “It’s time for dinner” in each of the following ways:
- happily, as if they’re hungry and can hardly wait to eat
- sadly, as if they’re having fun and don’t want to stop for dinner
- with surprise, as if they thought it was much earlier
- with concern, as if no one has made dinner
Then direct students’ attention to Pegasus’s lines in Scenes 5, 6, and 7. Tell them that Pegasus is a magical winged horse. Have them try saying Neigh according to the stage directions for each line (angrily, gently, hopefully, and proudly). Encourage students to get noisy and have fun!
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