Art by Carolyn Ridsdale


R.1, R.2, R.6, R.8, R.9, W.1, SL.1

Should This School Celebrate Halloween?

Principal Cho says no. Sarah and her classmates disagree. What do you think

Art by Carolyn Ridsdale

To: Willow Street Middle School Students 

Subject: Changes This Halloween

    Starting this fall, Willow Street Middle School will no longer host Halloween activities. This means our Monster Mash celebration is canceled. It also means you will not be allowed to wear Halloween costumes to school

    Why are we making this change? We want everyone to feel safe and included at WSMS. Over the past few years, I have received many complaints about costumes. Some of those costumes were too scary or gruesome. Others were unkind to students from certain cultures

    But that’s not the only reason we made this decision. Costumes aren’t cheap. Not everyone can afford to buy an outfit they will wear for only one night. WSMS’s Halloween activities were causing a lot of stress for some families.

    We know this may be disappointing. But we believe it is the right thing to do. Many other schools across the country have made similar decisions

    If you celebrate Halloween, we hope you continue to do so. We simply ask that you do not do it during school hours.


    Principal Cho

Art by Carolyn Ridsdale

To: Principal Cho

Subject: Re: Changes This Halloween

Dear Principal Cho,

    We understand why you made this decision. But we don’t think it’s the right one

    On behalf of the student body, I’m asking you to reconsider

    The Monster Mash has been a WSMS tradition for years. We look forward to it every Halloween. It gives us a chance to show off our creativity. Yes, a few costumes caused problems last year. But instead of canceling all the fun, why not set some clearer rules?

    We also think there are ways to make sure everyone feels included. One idea is to have a costume swap at the beginning of October. Students can bring in their old costumes. Everyone can sort through and find something new.

    But it’s also important to remember that a great costume doesn’t need to cost a lot of money. Remember when Aaron won the costume contest last year? He made that robot outfit entirely out of recycled shoeboxes


    Sarah, Student Council President

Should WSMS Cancel Halloween Activities?

What to do: Use evidence from the article to support each side of this debateWrite the information on a separate sheet of paper.

Students should celebrate outside of school.




There are ways to keep the tradition going.




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Higher Level: Should This School Celebrate Halloween?

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Lower Level: Should This School Celebrate Halloween?

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