Review hard and soft th sounds to boost fluency.
The article’s title includes the words this and the, which begin with a hard th sound. The article is about an earthquake, a word that contains a soft th sound. For new English speakers, it can be tough to know how to pronounce each th they encounter.
Practice saying these common words that include a th. If the word has a hard th, have students shout it. If the word has a soft th, have them whisper.
Words with a hard th: bother, brother, father, feather, leather, mother, other, that, then, these, those
Words with a soft th: birthday, both, fifth, healthy, math, month, theme, third, thing, think, thirsty, with
Encourage students to look for patterns to help them decide how to pronounce each word. But also let them know that English is full of exceptions and that getting some wrong is to be expected.
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