R.1, R.2, R.3, R.4, R.6, R.7, W.3, SL.1, SL.2, L.4, L.6

The Curse of Winter

Why do flowers die and trees go bare this time of year? Find the answer in the Greek myth of Persephone and Demeter. 

Art by Kirk Douponce

Going Down  
Hades came up with an evil plan to bring Persephone into the Underworld—his kingdom of death and darkness.


N1: In ancient Greece, gods and goddesses rule the world. 

N2: Zeus is king of heaven and Earth. 

N3: Poseidon rules the seas and oceans. 

N1: Hades is lord of the dead. 

N2: But mankind depends on their sister Demeter.

Greek Chorus: The goddess of the harvest! 

N3: Demeter looks after the trees and fields.

N1: She makes sure everything grows.

N2: Why, then, do trees go bare in winter?  

N3: Why do plants die? 

Greek Chorus: Listen, and we will tell you.


The Greek Countryside

N1: Farmers are working in their fields. 

N2: They see two figures in the sky. 

Farmer 1: Demeter and Persephone are coming down from Mount Olympus!

N3: Demeter descends in her golden robe. Her grown daughter, Persephone, follows. 

N1: The two are never apart.

N2: The farmers kneel as Demeter looks at their corn. 

Demeter: These plants are strong and healthy.

Persephone: You clearly love the land as much as we do! 

N3: Demeter takes some golden grains from her pocket. She blows them gently. 

N1: As they spread out over the field, the corn grows taller. 

Farmers 1 and 2: Thank you!

N2: Demeter and Persephone walk to the next farm.

N3: Persephone runs through the grass. Wherever she steps, flowers spring up. 

N1: Her laughter fills the air. 

Demeter: Persephone, don’t stray too far!


A Nearby Field

N2: Hades has come to Earth from the Underworld, the land of the dead.

N3: He walks through the countryside and hears Persephone’s laughter. 

Hades: What is that sound? Is it . . . happiness?

N1: Hades sees Persephone dancing, holding flowers.  

Hades: This is what my kingdom is missing. It needs color, warmth, and laughter!

N2: Hades thinks about how he can convince Persephone to come to the Underworld. 

Hades: She will never come on her own. I must trick her. 

N3: Hades creates a beautiful purple flower and plants it in the field. 

N1: Its sweet scent draws Persephone to it. 

Persephone: What an unusual flower! 

N2: As she bends down to smell it, the ground suddenly splits open. 

N3: Out come four black horses pulling Hades’ black chariot. 

N1: Hades grabs Persephone and pulls her in. 

Persephone: Put me down!

Hades: Don’t worry. You’ll love the Underworld. 

Persephone (yelling): You won’t get away with this! Motherrrr!

N2: Demeter hears a strange noise in the distance. 

Demeter: Persephone! Where are you?

N3: The chariot dives down into the darkness. The ground closes behind it.


The Underworld

N1: Hades brings Persephone to his dark, dreary palace. 

N2: He seats her on a black throne and gives her a crown with black diamonds. 

Persephone: I don’t want your jewels. 

Hades: What then? You can have anything.   

Persephone: I want sunshine and flowers! I want my mother! Take me back!

Hades: No. The land of the dead needs your laughter. 

Persephone: You won’t hear me laugh again. I will never be happy here!

Hades: So you’re not happy—but you must be hungry. 

N3: He grabs a pomegranate and tears it open. 

N1: He holds out the fruit. 

N2: It’s a trick. If she eats anything from the Underworld, she must stay there forever.

Hades: Here, have a bite. 

Persephone: I am a bit hungry . . . 

N3: Then she sees the devious look in his eyes and changes her mind.  

Persephone: No! I will never eat your food!

Art by Kirk Douponce

A Dangerous Snack  
Hades knew one bite of his delicious pomegranate seeds could keep Persephone in the Underworld forever. Would she fall for his trick?


The Greek Countryside

N1: Weeks pass, then months. 

N2: Demeter is so sad that she stops caring for nature.

N3: The earth turns brown. Plants die. 

N1: Demeter roams the countryside, searching for her daughter. 

Farmer 1: Goddess, can you help us? We are running out of food. 

Demeter (sadly): Nothing will grow without Persephone.

N2: Demeter shuffles off. 

Farmer 2: We can’t survive much longer. We must help find Persephone. 

Farmer 1: Let us ask Helios, the sun god. He sees everything from the sky.

N3: The farmers call out to him. 

Farmer 2: Oh Helios! We need you!

Helios: Sorry, I’m busy.

Farmer 1: But Persephone is missing!

Helios: Not my problem. 

Farmer 2: It is everyone’s problem. Nature is dying!

Helios: I can’t tell you where she is. Hades will kill me. 

Farmer 1: Hades? Did he take her?

Helios: You didn’t hear that from me. 

N1: The farmers run to find Demeter.


Mount Olympus

N2: Demeter storms up to Zeus’ throne. 

Demeter: Hades took my daughter! 

Zeus: Yes. But the Underworld deserves a bit of happiness too, don’t you think? 

Demeter: If she is not returned to me, nothing will grow. The world will starve!

Zeus (sighs): All right. I’ll send Hermes to bring her back. But there is a rule I cannot change. She can return only if no food or drink has passed her lips.

Art by Kirk Douponce

The Judgment of Zeus 
As the king of the gods, Zeus made a decision: Persephone must spend three months a year with Hades in the land of the dead. These months are what we now know as winter.


The Underworld

N3: Hades sits on his throne with Persephone beside him. 

N1: Her skin is pale. The light has gone out of her eyes.

N2: Hermes arrives and looks at poor Persephone’s miserable face. 

Hermes: Hades, Zeus has sent me to bring Persephone back. 

Persephone: I can leave?

N3: Hades smiles a little too sweetly. 

Hades: Sure . . . 

N1: Persephone feels joy for the first time in ages. 

Hades: Here. Take some seeds before you go. 

N2: In her happiness, Persephone takes three pomegranate seeds and eats them. 

Hades: Have a safe journey. Until we meet again. 

Persephone: Oh, we will not meet again.   

Hades: Don’t be so sure . . .


Mount Olympus

N3: Persephone rushes into her mother’s arms.

Demeter: I thought I’d never see you again!

N1: As they hug, trees begin to grow leaves. 

N2: Flowers bloom and grass turns green. 

Demeter: Tell me, did you eat anything while you were down there? 

Persephone: Um . . . just a few pomegranate seeds. 

Demeter: No! That means you must go back!

N3: Hades appears. 

Persephone: You tricked me!

Hades: I only fed you.

N1: Demeter turns to Zeus.

Demeter: You must settle this.

Zeus: Since Persephone ate the food of the dead, she should return to the Underworld. 

Persephone: Don’t make me go back! 

Zeus: But while she was gone, the earth suffered greatly. 

Demeter (angrily): And will suffer again if she returns to the Underworld. 

Zeus: Therefore, Persephone shall spend part of each year in the land of the dead. One month for every seed she swallowed. 

Persephone: Three months! That’s too long!

Zeus: That is my final answer.


N2: So every year, Persephone must leave her mother and return to the Underworld. 

N3: That’s when the weather turns cold, like Demeter’s sad heart. 

N1: The ground freezes, the trees go bare, nothing grows. 

Greek Chorus: This is winter. 

N2: But when Persephone returns, the world turns green. Ice melts. Flowers bloom. 

N3: Mother and daughter are together once more.  

Greek Chorus: Spring has come at last! 

Art by Kirk Douponce

Spring Fever 
When Persephone and Demeter are reunited, flowers bloom and temperatures turn warm!


You’ve just read “The Curse of Winter.” Now it’s time to try this activity. 

Tip: An inference is something that is not stated but can be figured out from clues in the text.

What to do: Imagine that you are Persephone, shortly after your first trip to the Underworld. You tell your mother about your time there, and she has some questions. Make inferences to answer each of her questions with at least one complete sentence.

Demeter: You told Hades that you would never be happy in the Underworld. Why?

Persephone: ___

Demeter: The first time Hades offered you a pomegranate, why didn’t you eat it?

Persephone: ___

Demeter: Why did you eat the seeds when Hades offered them again?

Persephone: ___

Demeter: How did you feel when Zeus said that you had to spend three months in the Underworld every year?

Persephone: ___

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