Art by Carolyn Ridsdale
Devin says: My friend Kyle is awesome. He’s so funny, and we like all the same movies. There’s just one problem: His breath is seriously bad. Should I tell him, or pinch my nose and keep my mouth shut?
Art by Carolyn Ridsdale
R.1, R.2, R.6, R.8, R.9, W.1, W.4, W.7, SL.1
What Should Devin Do?
Art by Carolyn Ridsdale
Devin says: My friend Kyle is awesome. He’s so funny, and we like all the same movies. There’s just one problem: His breath is seriously bad. Should I tell him, or pinch my nose and keep my mouth shut?
Thomas says: Tell him!
Art by Carolyn Ridsdale
Imagine that you left the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to your shoe. Wouldn’t you want someone to tell you? Sure, it might be embarrassing in the moment. But it’s better than walking around all day not knowing. Think about that, and I’m sure you’ll make the right choice: Be honest with Kyle. That’s how real friends treat each other.
I’m sure he’ll understand that you’re just looking out for him. And what’s the other option? It’s only a matter of time before someone makes a mean joke about his breath. I’m sure you don’t want Kyle to find out that way. He’ll wonder why none of his so-called friends ever told him he had this problem.
Someone is going to tell Kyle eventually, and it might as well be you. You’ll be nice about it, and that will make all the difference.
Aaliyah says: Keep quiet.
Art by Carolyn Ridsdale
You say that Kyle is your friend. So why would you want to hurt his feelings by telling him his breath stinks? If I were you, I would just keep my mouth shut and try to ignore it. Remember how he makes you laugh and what a good friend he is to you. Those things are more important than how he smells, right?
Some medical conditions can cause bad breath. If that’s the case, Kyle probably already knows and can’t do anything about it. Your telling him will just make him feel awful. He might even get mad at you for bringing it up.
If you really can’t take it anymore, there’s a nicer way to handle it. Try dropping a hint. Offer him some gum or a mint when it gets bad. I bet he’ll understand. And neither of you will have to deal with a completely awkward conversation.
What Should Devin Do?
What to do: Use evidence from the article to support each side of this debate. Write the information on a separate piece of paper.
Thomas says: Tell him!
Aaliyah says: Keep quiet.
Enter Our Contest!
Thomas and Aaliyah gave Devin their advice. Now what would you do? Write a paragraph and send it to “WWYD Contest” by December 1, 2019. Three winners will each get a $25 Visa gift card.