Art by R.J. Matson


R.1, R.2, R.6, R.8, W.1, SL.1

Do Manners Matter?

Some say being polite is becoming a thing of the past. Should we care?  

    Your family is sitting around the dinner table. But no one is paying attention to the spaghetti. Your older sister is taking a selfie with her food. Your dad is busy picking salad out of his teeth. Your mom is sending work emails.

    Oh, and your little brother just let out a huge, gross burp. As usual, he didn’t say “excuse me.”

    There are many examples of bad manners at this dinner table. And scenes like this are happening across America. Eighty-five percent of Americans think that people are ruder than they were 10 years ago.

    But is that such a bad thing? In the age of texting and TikTok, do good manners even matter anymore?

Respect and Care

Art by R.J. Matson

    Manners are a set of rules. They tell people how to treat each other and how to act when they’re together. Experts say manners show others that you respect and care about them. 

    So what does it mean to have good manners? You might hold the door open for someone. You might give up your seat to an elderly person. You might simply say “please” when asking for another cookie. 

    “Good manners make other people feel good,” says Alex J. Packer. He’s the author of How Rude! 

    But manners do more than make people happy. They can also help keep them healthy. By covering your mouth when you sneeze, you protect people around you from getting sick. 

    And having good manners isn’t just good for others. It’s good for you too. Studies have shown that kids with good manners do better as adults. They get higher grades in school and impress people more easily.

Silly Rules

    But some people argue that many manners are a waste of time. Your days are already full of homework, activities, and time with your family. You don’t have an extra hour to write out thank-you notes for all your birthday gifts!  

    Besides, people today are more casual. We send texts instead of letters. We say “no prob” instead of “you’re welcome.” It’s not that people don’t care about each other. It’s just that the way we act now is different than how we acted in the past. 

    And think about the serious problems in the world today. We’re facing issues like war, disease, and pollution. Does it really matter if your elbows are on the table? 

    Maybe not. Still, some people believe you can’t go wrong by being polite. They say it’s better for you—and everyone else too. 

Are Good Manners Still Important?

What to do: Use evidence from the article to support each side of this debate. Write the information on a separate sheet of paper.

Manners make us better, kinder people.




They’re just silly, old-fashioned rules.




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