Image of person being attacked by ghosts while getting numerous notifications on their phone

Art by Carolyn Ridsdale


R.1, R.2, R.6, R.8, W.1, SL.1

Is It Ever OK to Ghost?

Felix doesn’t want to be friends with Ellie anymore. Can he just stop answering her texts?


Art by Carolyn Ridsdale

Felix says: Last summer, I met a girl named Ellie at dance camp. We’ve been texting ever since. It was fun at first, but now her drama is stressing me out. All she does is complain. I don’t want to be her friend anymore, but I hate hurting people’s feelings. Can I just ghost her?


Art by Carolyn Ridsdale

Aneeta says: It’s OK to stop responding.  

    Sure, getting ghosted is no fun. But sometimes it’s the least messy option. 

    This was your last summer at dance camp, right? You’ll probably never see Ellie again. If I were you, I’d just stop answering her texts.

    Obviously, it’s best to let people know why you don’t want to be friends anymore. But that can get complicated. Last year, I started texting with someone from another school. He said something rude about my dads, so I told him I didn’t want to talk anymore. He wouldn’t take no for an answer and got really mean! Eventually, I had to block him. I wish I had just ghosted him in the first place.

    Plus, you can spare Ellie an awkward conversation. If I were her, I wouldn’t want to hear why you don’t want to be my friend. I’d rather grow apart naturally. Camp friends rarely stay in touch. Just stop responding, and she’ll get the message.


Art by Carolyn Ridsdale

Trent says: It’s better to let her down easy.

    Imagine if a friend started ignoring you at school. You talk to them, and they look right through you. You ask a question, and they turn away. You would be so hurt, right? That’s exactly what being ghosted is like. Just because it’s happening on a screen doesn’t make it any less painful.

    Think about it: When you ghost someone, they don’t know what to think. It can be confusing. Ellie would probably ask herself: What did I do? Did I say something wrong? Why won’t he respond? Maybe he just lost his phone. Maybe he’s in trouble. No matter how much Ellie stresses you out, she shouldn’t have to go through that. 

    If it makes you feel better, you don’t have to be totally honest. In fact, it’s probably kinder to let her down easy. Tell her you had a great time with her at camp but aren’t into texting. Tell her you’re too busy with school and football. Just tell her something. It’s really not fair to leave her with questions.

What Should Felix Do?

What to do: Find evidence in Aneeta’s and Trent’s responses that supports each side. Write the information on a separate sheet of paper.

Aneeta says: Just stop responding.




Trent says: Let her down easy.




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Enter Our Contest! Write a paragraph and send it to “WWYD Contest” by December 15, 2023. One winner will get a $50 Visa gift card. 

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