Art by Carolyn Ridsdale
It’s lunchtime at last! The race is on.
After a quick bathroom break, you head straight for the cafeteria. Your stomach grumbles as you join the long line. When you finally get your food, you rush to a seat. You bite into your piping hot pizza and—RRRRING!
Lunch is over. It’s time to go back to class.
If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Lunch periods in the United States vary. But the American Academy of Pediatrics says students should get at least 20 minutes to eat after they’ve sat down. Many kids say they end up with more like 5 or 10.
That’s why there’s a growing movement to make lunchtime longer. Last July, Maine passed a new law. It requires schools to provide students with at least 30 minutes for lunch when possible.
Should more states do the same?