Image of kids at lunch stuffing their face with a variety of foods

Art by Carolyn Ridsdale


R.1, R.2, R.6, R.8, W.1, SL.1

Should Lunch Be Longer?

Many kids aren’t getting enough time to eat. How can schools solve this problem?  

Image of an apple

Art by Carolyn Ridsdale

    It’s lunchtime at last! The race is on.

    After a quick bathroom break, you head straight for the cafeteria. Your stomach grumbles as you join the long line. When you finally get your food, you rush to a seat. You bite into your piping hot pizza and—RRRRING! 

    Lunch is over. It’s time to go back to class. 

    If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Lunch periods in the United States vary. But the American Academy of Pediatrics says students should get at least 20 minutes to eat after they’ve sat down. Many kids say they end up with more like 5 or 10.

    That’s why there’s a growing movement to make lunchtime longer. Last July, Maine passed a new law. It requires schools to provide students with at least 30 minutes for lunch when possible. 

    Should more states do the same? 

Healthier Choices

Image of a veggie sandwich

Art by Carolyn Ridsdale

    Juliana Cohen says yes. She’s a nutrition professor who has studied school lunch. In her research, kids with at least 25 minutes of sit-down time ate more veggies and fruit. 

    But it’s not just about healthy choices. More time to eat can help kids focus in class afterward. “Lunch is a time for students to recharge and connect with their peers,” she says. “This way, they can go back to class ready to learn again.”

    Longer lunches can be better for the planet too. Right now, school cafeterias in the U.S. create about 530,000 tons of food waste each year. But a 2021 study showed that the more time kids have to eat, the more they eat. That means less food ends up in landfills.

Longer Days

Image of a carton of milk

Art by Carolyn Ridsdale

    Some experts say a longer lunch could create other problems, though. School schedules are already jam-packed. If lunch is longer, class periods might have to get shorter. This would mean teachers have less time to finish their lessons. 

    Or what if classes don’t get shorter? A longer lunch period would make the school day longer. This could take away time from after-school sports and clubs. 

    So instead of giving students more time for lunch, why not find ways to get kids their food faster? For example, students in Japan don’t have to wait in long lines. Instead, their food is brought to their classroom. Adding more grab-and-go meal options in the cafeteria could help too. 

    A healthy lunch is an important part of the day—but only if you have time to eat it. 

Should Lunch Be Longer?

What to do: Use evidence from the article to support each side of this debate. Write the information on a separate sheet of paper.

Students need more time.




It’s not the best solution.




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