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When Did Athletes Start Getting Rich?

Today, sports stars make millions of dollars. But it didn’t always work that way.

Artwork by Sean McCabe; Adam Glanzman/Getty Images (Tom Brady); Elsa/Getty Images (Serena Williams); Jesse D. Garrabrant/NBAE/Getty Images (Lebron James)

    Basketball star LeBron James made $33 million last year. And that probably doesn’t surprise anyone. We’re used to watching pro athletes make and spend millions of dollars

    Tennis star Serena Williams lives in a mansion. Golfer Tiger Woods has a four-hole golf course in his backyard. New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady travels in a private jet.

    But there was a time when pro athletes could barely buy a car. In the 1940s, most basketball players made between $4,000 and $5,000 a year. That’s about $50,000 in today’s money

    So how did pro athletes start getting rich? Mostly, they have their fans to thank.

A Tough Business

    For most sports teams in 1950, there were two main ways to make money. They sold tickets to games and popcorn in the stadium. For fans, it was a good deal. You could see a Brooklyn Dodgers baseball game for 60 cents

    For players, the deal wasn’t so great. There wasn’t much money to go around. So salaries stayed low. In some pro sports, players couldn’t spend the off-season working out. They had to get second jobs so they could pay the rent.

    In the 1960s, television changed everything. It turned sports into a big business. In 1950, only 1 in 10 American homes had TVs. By 1960, 9 in 10 homes had TVs. And people sure loved watching sports.

Television Money

    At first, team owners were worried about TV. They thought fans wouldn’t pay to come to the stadium anymore. But the TV networks paid millions of dollars for the right to show games. That’s when sports teams started to get rich

    Eventually, the teams shared their wealth with players. In 1974, several baseball teams wanted a pitcher named Catfish Hunter. Hunter chose to play for the New York Yankees. They paid him $1 million just for picking their team.

    Since then, athletes have only gotten richer. In 2018, the highest-paid player in baseball will make $33 million. In basketball, the average salary is about $7 million a year

    Are sports stars worth the money? Many fans seem to think so. They will pay crazy prices to cheer for their favorite players.

    Want to see the Patriots play the Green Bay Packers this year? You’ll need about $500 for a ticket. And even at that price, you’ll have to sit 80 rows above the field

    But that’s OK. It’ll help pay for Tom Brady’s jet.

Joe Petrella/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images (Phil Rizzuto); Bettmann/Getty Images (Catfish Hunter)

To make extra money, pro baseball player Phil Rizzuto (right) sold suits.


Catfish Hunter was paid $1 million just for choosing the New York Yankees.


When did sports become a big business?

Write a paragraph to answer this question. Get started by using facts from the article to finish the sentences below

Topic Sentence: Pro sports became a big business when  ___                           

The main idea of your paragraph: How did people start watching sports in the 1960s?

Detail 1: Before that, sports teams made their money by ___

What were two ways that sports teams made money in 1950

Detail 2: That changed in the 1960s, when ___

Why did sports teams start earning much more money?

Detail 3: Teams began to pay players more, and in 1974, ___

How much money was Catfish Hunter paid after he joined the Yankees?

Conclusion: Athletes’ paychecks have continued to grow, and today ___

Include a fact about how much money athletes earn today.

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