For my entire life, I’ve known the story of my adoption—how I was born at a hospital in Texas, and how my parents brought me home to Wisconsin, where I’ve lived ever since.
Some people think that if you’re adopted, you probably resent your biological parents for “giving you up.” But the way I look at it, my biological parents didn’t simply give me up. They made a tremendous sacrifice because they wanted me to have a better life than they could provide.
Before I was born, my mom met with my biological mother and heard her story. Both of my biological parents had lived really difficult lives, and they didn’t have the support or resources they would need to raise me. They really wanted me to have a stable, loving family—which is what I have now.
That’s why I think adoption is really special, and my parents do too. The fact that I’m adopted has never been a secret or something I was told not to share.