Many English words come from Greek and Latin root words. Root words hold the most basic meaning of a word. You just practiced finding words with the roots graph and scrib/script in the article “Can You Read This?” Now it’s time to figure out what some other root words mean.
Find the Root
Instructions: As you read each passage below, note the prefix in italics used throughout. Then try to guess its meaning.
A local band was looking for a new singer. I knew if they could hear me sing at the audition, they would choose me. I went to the auditorium where people were trying out. The band members were there along with a large audience that had come to hear the singing. There was a problem with the
Words that come from the root word aud have to do with ______.

Jamie S Garcia/Shutterstock
C. Words made from the root aud have to do with hearing. For example, an auditorium is a place where you might listen to a concert or hear a speech.
My favorite television show is called Invisible V. It’s about a girl named Violet who can make herself invisible. I love the episode where she disappears at the dinner table and her dad thinks something is wrong with his vision. But over time, it gets harder and harder for Violet to make herself visible again. The show has amazing visual details, including a silvery mist that surrounds Violet when she’s disappearing. It’s so popular that there’s a video game based on it, and a movie is coming out next year!
Words that come from the root word vid/vis have to do with ______.

D. Words made from the root vid/vis have to do with seeing. In fact, the word visit (to go and see someone) comes from this root.
My grandfather has made a lot of money by importing coffee from other countries and selling it in the United States. He decided to take our whole family on vacation. We left our desktop computer home, but I brought my laptop because it’s portable. We took an airplane, which is not the type of transportation I’m used to. At the hotel, a porter helped us take our bags to our rooms. He carried my bag easily, but he needed a cart to transport my brother’s two huge suitcases.
Words that come from the root word port have to do with ______.

A. Words made from the root word port have to do with carrying. A portable item is something that can be easily carried.
Last week, I decided to take some pictures in the park. I placed a tripod near the pedestrian path and attached my camera to it. Then a girl came toward me on a bike, pedaling so fast she couldn’t stop. I was surprised, because the pedestrian path is for walking, not biking. The girl ran over my toes, hurting me and ruining my nice new pedicure. I had to see a podiatrist to make sure my foot was OK!
Words that come from the root word ped/pod have to do with ______.

B Words made from the root ped/pod have to do with feet. (Podiatrists are a type of doctor. Can you guess what part of the body they treat?)