Dogs have been our companions for tens of thousands of years, but scientists are only now beginning to understand the dog’s history.
There are many things we still don’t know, but one thing is certain: Every dog is a descendant of the gray wolf.
This doesn’t mean that a ferocious wolf instantly and magically transformed into a cuddly terrier. The change happened gradually.
Back in the Ice Age, humans and animals were mostly enemies. But during that time, humans and wolves started to team up. Why?
Some scientists believe that a few wolves snuck into human campsites, looking for food. These wolves were not as aggressive as other wolves, but they were still tough enough to protect humans from other animals—so humans allowed the wolves to stick around.
These gentler wolves ate human food. They gave birth to even gentler babies, which grew up to have gentle babies of their own. Over time, a new, calmer breed of wolf emerged.