Back in Newark, Nathaniel’s speech was successful. Earlier this year, the Newark City Council decided to lower the voting age to 16 for school board elections.
Now the city is preparing for approximately 7,000 16- and 17-year-olds to register to vote.
Nathaniel and his classmate Breanna Campbell, 17, are happy they achieved their goal. They’re also busy.
The high school seniors are working hard to get other teenagers excited about participating in next spring’s election. Their efforts have included helping out at events that educate young people about the issues and the candidates.
Breanna herself can hardly wait for her chance to vote. She cares a lot about the issue of mental health, and she wants schools to provide more services to support students’ emotional needs.
“Voting is more than a civic duty,” says Breanna. “It’s a powerful way to shape the world around us.”