David Williams/Redux for Scholastic 


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The Only Boy on the Team

Marco, 16, is inspiring teens to do what they loveno matter what other people think


    It all started a couple of years ago, when I was a freshman.

    I went to see my friends on the JV cheerleading team cheer at a football game. I couldn’t take my eyes off them as they pumped up the crowd. Their pom-poms shone in the stadium lights. They moved perfectly in unison, all smiles

    The best way I could put it is that it spoke to me. I wanted to be out there with them on the sidelines.

    But there was just one problem: Everyone on the team was a girl

    Would I have what it takes to be the only boy at tryouts

Open Arms

David Williams/Redux for Scholastic

Being a cheerleader means you have to trust your teammates. Marco has to lift—and be lifted by—the girls on his team. 

    I’ve never really believed in gender roles. I’m used to being the only boy in the room. I’ve been doing dance and theater since I was 6. I remember going to my first dance class and noticing right away that it was all girls. That made me anxious. Would they accept me? Would they think I was weird? Would I fit in?

    I learned soon enough that I had nothing to worry about. The class welcomed me with open arms. They never made me feel like an outcast

    That experience was repeated in every dance studio and theater production I took part in. I got more and more comfortable being different from everyone else around me

    Those welcoming spaces inspired me to keep pursuing my interests. I went from theater, to musical theater, to dance. I loved it allthe rush of performing, being part of a team, learning new skills and moves. I guess it’s not surprising that cheerleading was next.

Courtesy of family

1. A young Marco gets ready for a dance performance. 

2. Marco relaxes with his dog, Molly.

Making the Team

    Once I started telling people I was interested in cheerleading, I got a lot of support. My stepbrother was a senior at the time. He took me aside one day. “You would be so good at this,” he said. “You need to do it.” My whole family was behind me, and that made me feel confident.

    So I reached out to the cheerleading coach. I wasn’t even sure if they would allow a boy on the team. Luckily, she was excited right away. She made sure I could get a different uniform from the usual skirt. She helped me through the whole process.

    I’ll never forget finding out that I had made the team. I ran to tell my mom, and she gave me a big hug. I knew I had a lot of work to do, but I was so excited to get started.

    One of the hardest things I had to learn was stunting. That’s when we lift people up in the air. It took me a few months to get the hang of it. I even had to do some strength training to get stronger.

    But stunting requires more than strength and skill. Trust is a huge part of it. Imagine being tossed in the air and having to trust that you’ll be caught safely!

    It felt easy for me to trust the girls on the team because they had been so welcoming. It meant a lot to me that they trusted me too.

Different Is Good

    I’m now a junior. This is my third year on the teamand I made varsity

    Looking back, I was nervous that kids would make fun of me for being the only male cheerleader. But honestly, I’ve gotten nothing but support. I never could have imagined that I’d have people chanting my name when we cheer at games.

    So far, no other boys have joined the team. But I have had people tell me that I’ve inspired them to do what they love no matter what other people might think. If you open your mind beyond what’s expected of you, you have so many more options

Courtesy of family

Family Love  
Marco has three siblings.

Cause and Effect

You’ve just readThe Only Boy on the Team.” Now it’s time to do this activity.

Tip: A cause is what makes something happen. An effect is what happens as a result.

What to do: Fill in the missing causes and effects below by writing your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Cause: Why did something happen?

Effect: What happened?

number one

Cause: The girls in Marco’s early dance and theater classes made him feel welcome


HintWhat was Marco inspired to do?

number two


Hint: What did Marco see at a football game?

EffectMarco became interested in cheerleading.

number three

CauseMarco told people, such as his family and the cheerleading coach, that he wanted to try cheerleading


Hint:  How did people respond?

number four


HintWhat part of cheerleading takes a lot of strength?

EffectMarco did strength training to help him lift other cheerleaders.

videos (1)

True Teen Story

Two Minutes With . . . Marco Vidone

Meet Marco in a video interview.

Leveled Articles (2)

True Teen Story

Higher Level: The Only Boy on the Team

Read or print a 800L-900L version of this article in magazine view.


True Teen Story

Lower Level: The Only Boy on the Team

Read or print a 500L-600L version of this article in magazine view.
