Review acronyms and initialisms to boost fluency.
After reading the article, direct students’ attention to the places where Gio refers to his school as CSDR. Ask, “What does CSDR stand for?” Students will likely remember that the term stands for California School for the Deaf, Riverside. Ask, “Why do you think Gio calls it CSDR?” Students will likely answer that CSDR is quicker and easier to write.
Tell students that many words and phrases in English have shortened forms to speed up communication. The shortened form of a term using its initials (the first letter of each word) is called an initialism. Some examples are FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), mph (miles per hour), and ASAP (as soon as possible). Ask students to name another initialism that stands for an important term in “From Underdogs to Champions.” (ASL, which stands for American Sign Language)
An acronym is an initialism that can be pronounced as a word. Examples include FOMO (fear of missing out), BOGO (buy one, get one), and PIN (personal identification number).
Ask students to think of some more examples of initialisms and acronyms. If they need help, remind them that these are very common in texting! (Examples include BRB, BTW, IRL, MADD, MVP, NASA, NBA, SWAT, and YOLO.)
Tell students that when they encounter an acronym or an initialism and aren’t sure how to pronounce it (as individual letters or as a word), they can ask themselves, “Can I easily pronounce it as a word?” If they can, they probably should!
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