Essential Questions
- How do we gain confidence in our skills and abilities?
- What role does cultural heritage play in shaping our identities?
Literature Connection
- Novel: Million-Dollar Throw by Mike Lupica
Standards Correlations
R.1, R.2, R.3, R.4, R.7, W.3, SL.1, SL.2, L.4, L.5, L.6
Learning Objective
Students will make inferences to better understand events in a story.
Key Skills
inference, text features, vocabulary, elements of fiction, figurative language, character, setting, interpreting text, compare and contrast, plot, theme, narrative writing
Complexity Factors
Levels of Meaning: The story explores themes of cultural heritage and self-confidence.
Structure: The story is chronological and is told in the third-person voice.
Language: The language is conversational. Some figurative language is used.
Knowledge Demands: Some familiarity with team sports will be helpful.
Lexile: 600L-700L
Guided Reading Level: T
DRA Level: 50
SEL Connection
This story and lesson plan promote self-awareness and social awareness skills.
Lesson Plan: The Save
Essential Questions
Literature Connection
1. Preparing to Read
Build Background Knowledge (5 minutes)
Prepare to read the story by viewing our Background Builder Slideshow. This resource will familiarize students with some parts of Native American culture and life that are mentioned in the story.
Preview Text Features (5 minutes)
Guide students to locate the story. Then preview text features with the following prompts:
Preview Vocabulary (10 minutes)
Set a Purpose for Reading
2. Reading and Unpacking the Text
Close-Reading Questions (15 minutes)
Critical-Thinking Questions (10 minutes)
3. Skill Building and Writing
Learn Anywhere Activity
An enrichment activity to extend the learning journey at home or in the classroom
Compare Two Sports
Lacrosse is an important part of this story. Below are some facts about lacrosse. Use them to compare it with another sport you know about.
Lacrosse Facts:
Now use our “Same and Different” Venn diagram to compare and contrast lacrosse with another sport. In the outer parts of the circles, write things that are different about the sports. In the place where the circles overlap, write things that the sports have in common.
ELL Springboard
Talk About Similes to make the story more accessible.
Explain to students that a simile is a comparison of two things using the word like or as. By saying that the goal felt “as big as a barn door” to Oren, the author means that the goal felt really big.
Point out this other simile from the story (in Part 3):
“The wind had been knocked out of him like a piece of Bubble Wrap stomped on by a boot.”
Next, invite students to create their own similes by completing these sentences:
Looking for more ELL support? Download our full lesson plan and scroll to p. 5 to find questions that will help your ELLs respond to the text at the level that’s right for them.