Image of flight trackers at work

Flying Safely
ATCs use computers and radios to make sure planes stay on the right path.

on Watts/Getty Images (Control Room); Joe Raedle/Getty Images (Radar)


R.1, R.3, R.4, L.2

The Flight Tracker

Jamaal Haltom might help you travel safely this summer. But chances are, you don’t know much about his job.  


National Air Traffic Controllers Association 

Jamaal Haltom

    You probably know that pilots fly planes. But have you ever wondered how they avoid crashing into each other? And do you think about what guides them when they’re 30,000 feet in the air, above the clouds? 

    That’s where Jamaal Haltom comes in. He’s an air traffic controller (ATC). It’s his job to help pilots and their aircraft take off, fly, and land safely.

    Each day, Jamaal and his team track thousands of flights. They use radios to communicate with each other and computers to monitor aircraft in the sky. We asked him about his important role.

Image of a plane taking off

More than 130 million Americans plan to fly this summer.

How does an ATC help an aircraft get where it’s going?

    Let’s say a plane is flying from Los Angeles to New York City. ATCs help the pilot know when to take off and land. During flight, a pilot may be in contact with up to 25 different ATCs in cities along the way! Each makes sure the plane stays on its route. In a single day, there can be up to 70,000 flights in the air in the U.S. It’s like putting together a puzzle in the sky.

What are some challenging parts of your job?

    We have to make sure that aircraft aren’t too close together at any given time. Bad weather or busy travel times, like the holidays, can make this tricky.

Image of a tower by an airport where Jamaal works

iStockPhoto/Getty Images

Can you describe what your training was like?

    I served in the U.S. Air Force before I became an ATC, but that’s just one way to learn the job. You can also attend special college programs or the Federal Aviation Administration Academy.

What skills would you say make someone a good ATC?

    People who like team sports and video games might be interested in air traffic control. Obviously, this work is much more serious than a video game! But it can require many of the same skills, like thinking quickly, problem solving, and working well with your teammates.

What advice would you give to your middle school self?

    Don’t talk yourself out of a challenge because you’re scared. Back then, I might have thought this job was too daunting. If you tell yourself you can’t do something, you won’t be able to. Dream big!

Mini Skills Workout

What to do: Write your answers to the questions below on a separate sheet of paper. 

number one

Jamaal says that when he was younger, he might have thought a job like this would be daunting. What does that word mean?

number two

What two things can make Jamaal’s job tricky?

number three

Find a sentence in which Jamaal mentions skills that would make someone a good ATC.

videos (1)

Mini Read

Grammar Hack: There, Their, or They’re

Learn when to use there, their and they're with this fun animation.
