illustration of a monkey


R.1, R.2, R.3, R.4, R.7, W.1, SL.1, SL.2, L.4, L.6

The Monkey’s Paw

Be careful what you wish for. It might come true!

Based on the classic horror story by W.W. Jacobs  


S1: It is a cold, stormy evening in England in 1901. 

S2: Outside Mr. and Mrs. White’s stone house, the wind howls.

S3: But inside their cozy living room, all is safe and warm. 

S1: The couple and their son Herbert are being visited by an old friend. 

S2: Major Morris lived in India for many, many years. He has just returned.

S3: And he has brought home a very creepy souvenir.

Illustration by Gary Hanna

Get in the mood!  
This play begins inside the Whites’ house on a cold, stormy night. What kind of mood—or feeling—does this setting create for the rest of the story?


Herbert: We want to hear all about India, Major Morris!

Mr. White: Yes. What were you telling me the other day? Something about an old monkey’s paw? 

S1: A strange look comes across Morris’s face.

Morris: I’d rather not talk about it. It’s just a bit of magic . . .

Mrs. White: Now you must tell us more!

S2: Morris takes a wrinkly monkey’s paw out of his pocket.

Morris: A holy man put a spell on it. Three people can each be granted three wishes. 

Herbert: How fun!

Morris (frowning): Well, not exactly. The holy man wanted to teach a lesson. He believed that you can’t change fate. And if you try, you’ll be sorry.

Herbert: Have you made your three wishes? 

Morris (sadly): I have. 

Mrs. White: And did they come true?

Morris: Yes.

Mr. White: Has anyone else wished?

Morris: There was one man before me. I don’t know what his first two wishes were, but they must have caused him great pain. 

Herbert: How do you know?

Morris: Because his third wish was for . . . death. 

S3: The room falls silent. 

Mr. White: So why do you keep the paw, Morris? You’ve already had your wishes. 

Morris: I’m afraid to give it to anyone else. It has caused enough trouble already.

S1: Suddenly, Morris tosses the paw into the fire.

Morris: Better to let it burn!

S2: But Mr. White snatches it from the flames.

Mr. White: No, I’ll take it!

S3: Morris’s face turns pale. 

Morris: If you keep it, don’t blame me for what happens.

S1: Mr. White looks at the paw. 

Mr. White: How do you make a wish?

Morris: Hold it up in your right hand and say your wish out loud. But don’t say I didn’t warn you . . .



Build Knowledge
In the U.S., the currency—or money used—is dollars. It is marked by the $ symbol. In England, the currency is pounds. It is marked by the £ symbol. 

S2: Later that night, Herbert sits with his parents. 

Herbert: Do you think the story about the monkey’s paw is true? 

Mrs. White: Of course not!

Mr. White: But I might as well make a wish, right?

Herbert: For what? 

Mr. White: I don’t know! I’ve got everything I want. 

Herbert: Would you be happier if the house was paid for? 

Mr. White: Well, sure. We owe 200 pounds.

Herbert: Then wish for 200 pounds. See what happens.

S3: Herbert winks at his mother. She rolls her eyes.

S1: With his right hand,  Mr. White holds the monkey’s paw high.

Mr. White: I wish for 200 pounds!

S2: He cries out and drops the paw.

Mr. White: It moved! It twisted in my hand like a snake!

Mrs. White: You just imagined that, dear.

S3: Herbert laughs. 

Herbert: Maybe tomorrow you will find a pile of cash on your bed—and a monkey ghost looking for his paw!


S1: The next day, Herbert goes to his job at a nearby factory. 

S2: Mr. White is still thinking about the monkey’s paw. 

Mr. White: I swear that thing moved in my hand. 

Mrs. White: It’s all in your mind. 

Mr. White: I’m sure Herbert will tease me again when he gets home. 

S3: There is a knock at the door. Mrs. White opens it.

M1: Are you Mr. and Mrs. White? 

Mr. White: Yes. Why do you ask?

M2: We’ve been sent from the factory.

Mrs. White: Oh no. Is Herbert hurt? 

M1: I’m very sorry to deliver this news, but I’m afraid he’s . . . 

Mrs. White (in horror): NO! It can’t be! Herbert can’t be dead!

M2: Your son got caught in a machine.

M1: Because of your loss, the owner of the factory would like you to have this money. 

S1: The Whites gasp. 

Mr. White: How much? 

M2: Two hundred pounds. 

S2: Mr. White falls to the floor. 


S3: A week later, Mrs. White lies awake crying. Mr. White is asleep.

S1: Suddenly, Mrs. White shouts.


S2: Mr. White sits up in bed. 

Mr. White: What? Where? What’s wrong?

Mrs. White: The monkey’s paw! Where is it?

Mr. White: Downstairs. Why?

S3: Mrs. White is very excited. 

Mrs. White: Why didn’t I think of it before? We have two wishes left. We can use one to make Herbert alive again!

Mr. White: No! 

Mrs. White: The first wish came true. Why not the second?

Mr. White: That was just . . . chance.

Mrs. White: Go get the paw!

Mr. White: Herbert has been dead seven days.

Mrs. White: I don’t care!

Mr. White: What will he look like now? What if his body is mangled?

Mrs. White: Bring! Him! Back!

S1: Mr. White gets the paw. 

Mrs. White: Now, wish!

Mr. White: This is foolish.

Mrs. White: WISH!

S2: Mr. White’s hand shakes as he slowly raises the paw.

Mr. White (quietly): I wish my son alive again.

S3: Mrs. White rushes to the window.

S1: Minutes pass. Nothing happens.

S2: Mr. White is relieved.

Mr. White: I am going back to bed.

S3: Mrs. White joins him. They lie in the darkness. The clock ticks.


Illustration by Gary Hanna

Think About It!  
The theme of a story is the important message you take away from reading it. What lesson did you learn from this play? If you had the chance, would you use the monkey’s paw to make a wish?

S1: At midnight, there is a faint knock. 

Mrs. White: What was that?

Mr. White: It was—a rat. I saw one earlier.

S2: There is a louder knock. 

Mrs. White: It’s Herbert!

S3: She leaps out of bed. Mr. White catches her arm.

Mr. White: Don’t let it in!

Mrs. White: Are you afraid of your own son? Let me go!

S1: The knocking gets louder.

S2: Mrs. White runs down the stairs. 

Mrs. White: I’m coming, Herbert! 

S3: Mrs. White tries to open the door. She calls to Mr. White.

Mrs. White: The door is stuck! Help me!

S1: In the dark bedroom, Mr. White crawls on his hands and knees.

S2: He is searching for the monkey’s paw.

S3: The knocking comes faster.

Mrs. White: Hold on, Herbert. Hold on!

S1: Mr. White finds the paw and puts his right arm into the air.

Mr. White: I wish it would GO AWAY!

S2: The knocking stops. 

S3: Mrs. White finally opens the door.

S1: But . . . no one is there.

Mrs. White: No! No! No!

S2: Mr. White rushes to her side.

S3: Together, they look out at the empty street. 


Everett Collection/

Meet the Author
This play is based on a horror story written by W.W. Jacobs in 1902. Aside from “The Monkey’s Paw,” Jacobs wrote mostly funny tales!

You've just read "The Monkey’s Paw.” Now it’s time to try this activity.

Tip: An inference is something that is not stated but can be figured out from clues in the text.

What to do: Imagine that you are Mr. White. It’s the morning after you made your third wish, and you’re writing in your journal. Make inferences to complete each sentence below. For clues, go back and look at the story.

Dear Diary,

       My wife is angry at me. She thinks my last wish took away her chance to 

Hint: Look in Scenes 4 and 5 for clues.

But if I hadn’t made that wish, I think we would have opened the door to find

Hint: Look in Scenes 4 and 5 for clues.

After all, our wish for money came true only when something bad happened: 

Hint: Look in Scene 3 for clues.

I can’t believe my family thought the story of the monkey’s paw was 

Hint: Look in Scene 2 for clues.

I wish I had listened when Major Morris tried to tell me that 

Hint: Look in Scene 1 for clues.

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