S2: Perseus climbs into the Gray Sisters’ lair. He watches them from behind a rock.
S3: The sisters are old, wrinkly, and blind—except for a single eye.
S1: They pass it back and forth.
Gray Sister 1: Give me the eye. I want to look around.
Gray Sister 2: You just had it! But fine—take it.
S2: Sister 2 removes the eye and hands it to Sister 1.
S3: Perseus creeps closer.
Gray Sister 3: My turn!
Gray Sister 1: But I just got the eye!
Gray Sister 3: Selfish, selfish.
S1: Sister 1 reaches out to give the eye to Sister 3. But Perseus grabs it.
Gray Sister 3: Where is it? My hand is empty.
Gray Sister 1: Then who has it? Who has our eye?
Perseus (stepping forward): I do. I will give it back if you tell me where to find Medusa!
Gray Sister 2: We will never tell.
Perseus: Then I will throw your eye into the sea.
All Gray Sisters: Nooooo!
Gray Sister 2: We’ll tell, we’ll tell!
Gray Sister 1: Only the Nymphs of the North know where Medusa is.
Perseus: How can I find them?
S2: The sisters whisper in his ear. He returns their eye.