Last September, the Philadelphia Phillies were on a losing
Santana decided to teach these players a lesson. After his team’s ninth loss in a row, he grabbed a bat. Then he went into the clubhouse and smashed the TV.
Could You Stop Playing?
Some experts worry that too many kids are hooked on Fortnite.
Art by carolyn ridsdale; Background: epic games
R.1, R.2, R.3, R.4, R.7, R.9, W.1, SL.1, L.4
The Fight Over Fortnite
Find out why this popular video game is under attack.
Last September, the Philadelphia Phillies were on a losing
Santana decided to teach these players a lesson. After his team’s ninth loss in a row, he grabbed a bat. Then he went into the clubhouse and smashed the TV.
Hooked on Games
In the past two years, Fortnite has taken over the world. Around 250 million people play it. And when they’re not playing, they’re watching gamers like Tyler “Ninja” Blevins. Ninja says he earned $10 million last year playing Fortnite live online.
The rise of Fortnite has some experts worried. They say people are playing too much. Kids sneak downstairs in the middle of the night to play. They spend hundreds of dollars on their parents’ credit cards—just to buy their characters special clothing and tools.
Michael Rich is a doctor in Boston. He works with kids who can’t quit Fortnite. “They are not sleeping,” he told the Boston Globe newspaper. “They are not going to school. They are dropping out of social activities.”
This spring, fear of Fortnite even reached the British royal family. Prince Harry of England claimed the game was created to be
Place to Hang Out
But is Fortnite really that dangerous? It’s not the first teen
And Fortnite may be a lot like rock ’n’ roll. It’s new. It’s scary to many adults. But it’s just another way for teens to do what they’ve always done: hang out with their friends.
Kurt Squire does research on video games at the University of California, Irvine. He says it’s true that Fortnite can be addictive. But studies show that only 3 percent of gamers are at risk.
For the rest, Fortnite is a social activity. When Squire was a kid, he built forts and played war with his friends. Now Fortnite gamers do the same thing online.
Squire’s son Walt is a good example. He’s in seventh grade. He likes to play Fortnite with six of his best friends. He talks to them online while they chase enemies through the game’s Haunted Hills.
Walt plays Fortnite 15 to 20 hours a week. But he also plays basketball, likes to write, and gets good grades. “It’s not like I’m avoiding real life,” he says. “It’s just a really awesome way to spend time with friends.”
Still, experts agree that gamers need to keep their lives in balance. Walt sometimes feels like he’s playing too much. When he does, he stops for a week.
And the Phillies? We would never suggest smashing a TV, like Carlos Santana did. But the team’s break from Fortnite might have helped. This season they started off with a winning streak.
The Problem With Pinball
Guess what? Fortnite isn’t the first game to make adults fear for America’s kids.
Art by carolyn ridsdale
It was a cold day in January 1942. Americans were fighting for their lives in World War II. But the mayor of New York City had a different problem on his mind. He wanted to save the city’s kids from a serious
The mayor ordered dozens of police officers to spread out across town. They burst into candy stores, bowling alleys, and restaurants. What kind of threat were they searching for? It was a game called pinball.
A Game of Luck
Americans started playing pinball in the late 1800s. Back then, the game was simple. Players shot a ball onto a tilted board. The ball rolled down through a set of pegs. It landed in a hole worth points. Or it rolled to the bottom for no score at all.
In the 1930s, pinball got more interesting. Machines had lights that flashed. Bells rang when points were scored. The games cost a nickel to play. Some places gave out prizes for high scores.
The world was in the middle of a crisis called the Great Depression. Millions of Americans were very poor. They didn’t have jobs. Instead, they had free time—and wanted cheap fun. They found it playing pinball.
But as pinball spread, it made enemies everywhere. Some people said pinball players acted like addicts. All they wanted to do was play.
Saving Kids
The mayor of New York led the fight against pinball. He believed the true victims were kids. Schoolchildren were spending their lunch money on pinball, he said. His police chief even claimed that kids stole money to play.
The mayor finally got the city council to make pinball illegal in New York. This ban on pinball lasted until 1976. All in all, police
They did the same thing Carlos Santana did with that TV. They smashed them!
Compare and Contrast
How are these two games alike in some ways and different in others?
What to do: Complete the sentences below using examples from the text.
Fortnite is similar to pinball because ___
HINT: Why did some people worry about pinball? Why do experts worry about Fortnite?
Fortnite is different from pinball because ___
HINT: What kind of game is it? Where do people play?