R.1, R.2, R.3, R.4, R.5, R.7, W.2, SL.1, L.4, L.6  

The Fight for What’s Right

Until the 1940s, many Mexican-American kids in California weren’t allowed to go to school with white kids. Eight-year-old Sylvia Mendez helped change that


Pictures courtesy of The Mendez Family to be used with permission only. Duplication or reproduction is prohibited. (Sylvia Mendez, Hoover School); From the Lee Russell Photograph Collection, creator: Lee Russell Werner/Dolph Briscoe Center for American History/The University of Texas at Austin (we serve whites sign); ©Leonard Freed/Magnum Photos (whites only sign); William M. Graham/Hulton Archive/Getty Images (farmer); R. Gates/Getty Images (palm trees)


N1: The year is 1944.

N2: Sylvia Mendez and her family have just moved to Westminster, California.

N3: Sylvia and her brother are playing with their cousins

Aunt Sally: Come! We’re going to see your new school

N1: They arrive at Westminster School, a large brick building with a playground.

N2: They go to the main office.

Aunt Sally: I’m here to sign these children up for school.

N3: The secretary looks at Sylvia’s cousins, who have light skin and light hair.

Secretary: Those two can sign up, but not the others.

Aunt Sally: Excuse me?

N1: The secretary points at Sylvia and Jerome, who have dark skin and dark hair

Secretary: They have to go to the Mexican school.

Aunt Sally: But they are American. They speak English.

Secretary: That’s the rule.

Aunt Sally: There must be some mistake.

Pictures courtesy of The Mendez Family to be used with permission only. Duplication or reproduction is prohibited. (all photos)

The Mexican School
Mexican-American children like Sylvia Mendez were forced to attend Hoover Elementary. It was a crowded school known as “the Mexican School.”


N2: The next day, Papa is mad.

Papa: I spoke to the principal. He says all Mexican kids have to go to Hoover Elementary

Mama: Why

Papa: He just kept saying, “That’s how it’s done here.”

Aunt Sally: Hoover is farther away and not a good school

Mama: This isn’t fair. We are American citizens

Aunt Sally: What can we do?

Papa: I’m not sure. But a good education is worth fighting for.


Pictures courtesy of The Mendez Family to be used with permission only. Duplication or reproduction is prohibited. (all photos)

A Better Life
Sylvia’s parents moved the family to Westminster, California, to run their own vegetable farm. For many years, both had been treated unfairly because they were new to America. They wanted a better life for their children.

N3: Sylvia, Jerome, and their cousins start school at Hoover

N1: Each morning, the school bus drops them off in front of Westminster School

N2: Then Sylvia and the other Mexican-American kids walk many blocks to their school

N3: They sit at wobbly desks in a crowded classroom

Miss Wilson: Hi, class. Today the girls will learn to sew, and the boys will build shelves

N1: Sylvia raises her hand.

Sylvia: Miss Wilson, will we ever read books or learn math?

Miss Wilson: No. You don’t need to know those things.

N2: At lunch, the children go outside

N3: There is no playground.

N1: Sylvia sits eating an apple. Miguel stands over her.

Miguel: Your father is going to get everyone in trouble.

Sylvia: How?

Miguel: He wants my father to sign a petition to send us to school with white kids.

Sylvia: Everyone knows their school is better.

Miguel: My father could lose his job if he signs it

Sylvia: Well, it’s not fair to send us to a separate school

Miguel: You think you’re better than everyone else

Sylvia: No! I just want to learn what white kids learn.


N2: Mama is getting the kids ready for school

Jerome: Where is Papa?

Mama: He is talking to other families about the court case.

Jerome: What’s a court case

Mama: We think the school system is being unfair to Mexican kids. So we are going to talk to a judge about it

Sylvia: If we win the case, will we get to go to the nice school?

Mama: Yes.

Jerome: What if the kids at that school don’t like us?

Sylvia: Sometimes they call us names in the park.

Mama: If they don’t like you, it’s because they don’t know you

N3: Jerome looks up at Mama.

Mama: That’s what prejudice iswhen you decide you don’t like people for no good reason

Jerome: I don’t like eating vegetables. Is that prejudice

Mama: No, papito, prejudice is about something like people’s skin color or religion

N1: Sylvia thinks about this.

Los Angeles Times (LA Times Headline); Bettmann/Getty Images (supreme court steps)

First Step to Equality
The Mendez family’s court case inspired similar cases. Then in 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court made an important decision. It decided that it was illegal for children to be put in separate schools based on their skin color.


N2: The family goes to court

N3: Papa’s lawyer, Mr. Marcus, questions the head of schools

Mr. Marcus: Mr. Kent, do children from Mexican families have to go to Hoover Elementary

Mr. Kent: No. If students don’t speak English, then they go to Hoover

Marcus: Do you give them a test to see if they know English

Kent: Yes

Sylvia (whispering): That’s not true! They never talked to us.

Marcus: Are there other reasons you send Mexicans to a different school?

Kent: They need to learn manners. And they are dirty.

Jerome (whispering): No we aren’t!

Marcus: So if a Mexican child speaks English and is clean, could he or she attend Westminster School

Kent: Yes.

Marcus: How many Mexican students go to Westminster?

Kent: None.

Marcus: Out of the hundreds of children at Hoover, not one of them is qualified to go to Westminster?

Kent: They’re not as smart as the white children

N1: Sylvia and others gasp.


N2: The next week in court, Mr. Marcus questions an education expert

Marcus: Mrs. Hughes, is it helpful for Mexican children to go to a separate school

Mrs. Hughes: No. It sends the message that Mexicans are inferior

Marcus: Does going to a separate school help them learn English

Hughes: Not at all. The best way to learn English is to be with others who speak it

Marcus: Do you believe that Mexican children should go to school with white children

Hughes: Yes. But not just for the education. Kids need to spend time together. It helps them understand each other.

Marcus: I see.

Hughes: That’s the first step to getting rid of prejudice and discrimination

N3: Sylvia squeezes Mama’s hand and smiles.


N1: Months later, Sylvia comes home from school.

N2: She sees her parents with tears in their eyes

Sylvia: What happened?

Papa: We won the court case!

N3: Sylvia hugs her parents.

Sylvia: I will study hard and make you proud.


N1: Sylvia went on to college and became a nurse

N2: Today, she travels around telling her family’s story

N3: They paved the way for children all over America.

Sylvia: Everyone deserves an equal chance to learn.

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