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Makeup Magic!

We talked to special-effects makeup artist Erica Akin, who brings superheroes and villains to life

Chuck Zlotnick/©Marvel Studios 2019

Erica’s team created this creepy look for the Skrulls from this month’s Captain Marvel movie. It took them seven hours to do the makeup for just one face!

Courtesy of Erica Akin

    You know those characters in movies that make you want to look away? Maybe it’s a grotesque monster with a mouth full of sharp teeth. Or perhaps it’s a rotting zombie covered in blood. Erica Akin’s job is to make these creatures look terrifying. She’s a special-effects makeup artist who works on movies and TV shows

    You might think of makeup as eyeliner and lipstick, but Erica’s job involves much more than that. She works with fake blood, guts, alien features, and monster claws. We talked to her about creating the coolest, scariest characters.

Chuck Zlotnick/©Marvel Studios 2019

    When did you get interested in special-effects makeup?
    In middle school, I worked on the school play doing makeup. I loved making people look totally differentturning them into a green witch or adding cuts and bruises. I’ve been obsessed with makeup ever since!

    What’s your favorite kind of makeup job to work on?
    It’s fun to work on something that’s a full head-to-toe costume. I might work only on one small part, like the faces of the Skrulls in Captain Marvel. But it’s so cool to see it all come together.

    What’s something people would be surprised to learn about your job?
    I never thought I would have a job where I use science! To create the Skrull faces, I had to mix different materials together to get the right texture. I had to mix different colors of makeup to get the right shade. It’s actually a lot of chemistry.

    Do you ever use your skills to scare people?
    Oh yeah, I work at haunted houses around Halloween! I also do some really scary Halloween makeup for people who want to be zombies or monsters

    What advice do you have for a kid who is interested in your work
    Don’t be shy about reaching out to people you look up to. If you see a movie with cool makeup, check out the credits and see who worked on it. Send them an email or find them on social media. Chances are, they’ll be happy to hear from you!
