R.1, R.3, R.4, L.2

The Video Game Writer

How Brittney Morris uses storytelling to create the games you love

Story Time  
These are a few of the things that Brittney thinks about as she’s working on a game.


1- The Characters

What are they talking about? How do they feel?


2- The Setting

Where does the video game take place? 
What does it look like?


3- The Plot

What are the characters trying to achieve? What gets in the way?

Courtesy of Brittney Morris

 Brittney Morris

    Brittney Morris didn’t enjoy reading as a kid. She had a hard time focusing. But she did love video games. Her favorite was Super Mario Sunshine. The mission was to save the characters from a toxic slime taking over their island. 

    As Brittney got older,  she realized something: Video games actually aren’t that different from books. Both need a narrative, or story. That narrative may include funny characters, exciting missions, and tricky challenges.

    Now Brittney helps create those stories as a video game writer. She has worked on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and Marvel’s Wolverine (coming soon!) for PlayStation 5. We asked her about her cool career. 

What might people be surprised to learn about your work?

    It involves all kinds of writing! Game writers write scripts, which are mostly dialogue. But we also write other in-game text, like a newspaper clip or journal entries.

What’s the hardest part of your job? 

    It’s fun for me to start writing. There are so many possibilities! But going back and editing is hard.

What’s the best part?

    I love watching people on YouTube play games I’ve worked on. It’s so fun to see how they react to the plot twists I came up with. 

Pretend you’re teaching a video game writing class. What prompt would you give students? 

    Start with two characters in a cafe. What are they talking about? Then imagine a random event. A hurricane hits! Someone falls! How do your characters react? What happens next? 

Why are video games important?

    Video games can teach empathy. That means they can help you imagine what a character’s life is like or how they feel. I recently played a game called Venba. It’s about a family that moves from India to Canada. Your job is to help save their family recipes by “cooking” them. I love that I got to explore a new culture through a game. 

Do you like to read now?

    Yes! I fell in love with books as an adult. If I had picked up a book about video games as a kid, I might have been more likely to finish it. That’s why I tell kids to read what excites them. Anything that has a story counts. 

Mini Skills Workout

What to do: Write your answers to the questions below on a separate sheet of paper. 

Brittney says that her scripts are mostly dialogue. What do you think dialogue means? 

Why does Brittney enjoy seeing people play the games she has worked on?

Find a sentence in which Brittney mentions something she might have enjoyed reading as a kid.

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