I met Janine at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center when I was 13. I first visited the museum to see an exhibit called “Stories of Survival.” In the exhibit, you put on virtual reality (VR) goggles and experience the story of a Holocaust survivor by seeing what they saw.
I knew a little bit about the Holocaust before I saw the exhibit, but I didn’t know anything specific. During World War II, the Nazi Party ruled Germany. The Nazis killed millions of people in Europe. This genocide is known as the Holocaust. The Nazis killed many types of people, but they focused their hatred on Jewish people—people who follow the religion of Judaism—in particular.
The Nazis blamed Jewish people for all of Germany’s problems. It was a horrible time in history. The Nazis killed six million Jews, as well as millions of other people, and forced many more to live in prisons called concentration camps.
Putting on those VR goggles was an intense but eye-opening experience. Seeing images from the concentration camps was different from just reading about them.
After seeing the exhibit, I decided that I wanted to volunteer at the museum. I wanted to help other people learn about this difficult but important history.