Digital image of alien robots destroying London

Art by Allan Davey


R.1, R.2, R.3, R.4, R.7, W.3, SL.1, SL.2, L.4, L.6

War of the Worlds

Aliens have come to Earth . . . for us. Can they be stopped


*Starred characters have larger speaking parts.

  • *Narrators 1, 2, 3 (N1, N2, N3
  • *Henry, a young man 
  • *Clara, Henry’s wife 
  • Ogilvy, an astronomer (a scientist who studies outer space)
  • Villager 
  • Crowd 
  • Neighbor 
  • Soldier 
  • Woman 
  • Joe


Maybury, England, 1894 

N1: It is a peaceful night in the village of Maybury.

N2: Henry and Clara are out for an evening walk

N3: What they don’t know is that Earth is being watched

N1: Powerful beings from another planet are looking down on them

N2: They envy Earth’s grassy land and blue seas.

Henry: What is that sound?

Clara (pointing up): Look

N3: A flaming object shoots through the sky

Clara: What is that?

Henry: It must be a meteor

N1: The object crashes in the distance. Henry and Clara walk toward the crash.


A field just outside Maybury

N2: Henry and Clara walk for a mile. They reach a smoky pit in the middle of a field

N3: A scientist named Ogilvy stares down into the pit

Henry: Looks like you found the meteor

Ogilvy: I don’t think it’s a meteor. It’s shaped like a cylinder. See?

Clara: How odd

Ogilvy: I believe it is from another planet. A few nights ago, I saw a red flash moving from Mars toward Earth!

Henry: Really? Wow!

N1: More people show up

Villager: What is that thing

Henry: It may be from Mars

Crowd (laughing): Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

N2: A scratching sound comes from the cylinder. The crowd freezes.

Villager: Something is coming out!

N3: A gray creature about the size of a bear rises up out of the pit

N1: It has two dark eyes. Its skin shines like wet leather.

Crowd: Gasp

N2: Another creature appears

Villager: Monsters! Run!

N3: Henry and Clara climb a nearby hill. From there, they have a good view of the pit.

N1: The couple watches a group of other scientists join Ogilvy at the pit

Ogilvy: We come in peace!

N2: A dark shape rises slowly

N3: Thena flash of light!

N1: Flames shoot at the men. They fall to the ground.

Henry: No!

N2: The flames spread across the field and into the town.

N3: Bushes, trees, and houses catch on fire.  


Clara and Henry’s house, the next morning

N1: Clara and Henry stand in front of their house.

N2: A neighbor walks by

Neighbor: What’s the trouble? You two look like you’ve seen a ghost.

Henry: Not a ghostMartians. They shoot fire!

Neighbor (laughing): Oh yes, I heard. It all seems so silly

N3: Another villager walks by

Henry: What’s the latest news from town?

Villager: A second cylinder fell near the woods

Clara: No!

Villager: Don’t worry. Those brainless blobs are no match for our soldiers

N1: Pop! Pop! Pop!

Villager: See? That’s our boys firing their guns. Thousands of men against a couple of creatures

N2: A violent crash shakes the ground

Henry: I don’t think we should stay here.

Clara: Where can we go?

Henry: To my cousin in Leatherhead

N3: The tops of nearby trees burst into flames.

Henry: We need to go. NOW!


The road to Leatherhead

N1: Henry and Clara sit in a horse-drawn cart.

N2: It rattles down a dirt road

N3: Behind them, smoke rises into the air

Clara (looking back): The entire world is on fire

Henry: If we can get you to Leatherhead, you will be safe. But I must go back to Maybury and help the fight.

Clara: It’s too dangerous. We barely got out alive!

Henry: I will return to you, Clara. I promise.

Digital image of alien robots walking through the countryside

Art by Allan Davey

The Aliens
There are more books, films, and TV shows about aliens than we can count. Sometimes these aliens are friendly explorers. Other times they come to destroy Earth.


The road away from Leatherhead, that evening

N1: Henry takes the cart back toward Maybury.

N2: Suddenly, a huge metal tripod appears on the road. It shoots fire at anything that moves.

Henry: Gasp!

N3: Henry dives into the bushes. He hides as the machine passes by

N1: Then a soldier appears

Henry: Sir, what happened

Soldier: We were about to fire upon a cylinder. I heard an explosion. Then everything around me was burnt to a crisp.

Henry: How did you survive?

Soldier: I hid in a pit. But the rest of the soldiers I was with are gone.

Henry: What was that tripod I saw?

Soldier: A fighting machine. The Martians climb inside. It can’t be destroyed.

Henry: Does Maybury still stand

Soldier: Maybury burns. I fear the whole world will too. We are no longer masters of our planet


On the road 

N2: Henry turns back to Leatherhead

N3: In the next town, people smile. They casually pack their things.

Henry (shouting): Don’t you know what’s happening? Death! Death is coming!

Woman: Poor man. He’s gone mad. The army has got things under control

Henry: You aren’t listening. You need to gonow ! 

N1: The people ignore Henry, so he continues on

N2: Henry sees a man sitting in the dirt crying

Joe: This is the end of us!

Henry: There is still hope, good man. I know we’ll find a way. There are millions of us.  

N3: Pop! Pop! More gunfire.

N1: A black cloud spreads over the valley

Henry: Poison gas! Run!

N2: The men run to the next village.

N3: They break into an empty house and hide.

N1: Thenan explosion. Pieces of the ceiling fall down

Henry: Are you all right

Joe: I think so.

N2: The men stay still until morning

N3: Then Henry looks out through a hole in the wall

Henry (whispering): Another cylinder has struck right next to this house. A Martian is standing guard. And there’s a metal cage full of . . . 

Joe: What? Full of what?

Henry: People

N1: Henry gasps

Henry: The Martians are taking blood from the humans. They’re . . . feeding on us.

Image of a radio host and newspaper with title, "Fake Radio 'War' Stirs Terror Through U.S."

NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images (Newspaper); Harry Warnecke/NY Daily News via Getty Images (Orson Welles)

Could a War of the Worlds Really Happen?
In 1938, the writer Orson Welles turned The War of the Worlds into a radio show. In it, Martians attack New Jersey. Newspapers reported that some listeners thought an alien attack was really happening! Of course, the show was all fiction. But the questions remain: Could aliens come to Earth? And if they did, what would happen?


The same house, one week later

N2: Joe and Henry are still hiding. A small pile of food sits between them.

N3: Henry looks through the hole in the wall.

Henry: The ground is covered in a strange red weed. It’s like they are trying to turn Earth into Mars.

Joe: Who cares? We are going to starve here

Henry: Don’t give up

Joe: What is the point of living? What kind of world will be left?

Henry: I must survive. I must get back to my Clara!

N1: Suddenly, Joe grabs the food and shoves it into his mouth

Henry: We agreed to share that food

Joe: I’m hungry

N2: Joe throws the bread on the floor.

Joe (shouting): Enough! I’ve had enough!

N3: Joe runs toward the door.

Joe: Just let it be over

N1: Henry tries to stop Joe from leaving. But he fails.

N2: He watches as Joe is put into one of the cages.


The same house, two days later

N3: Henry wakes up from a deep sleep. All is silent.

N1: He crawls to the hole in the wall

Henry (to himself): I see the tripods, but . . . why aren’t they moving?

N2: Henry walks outside. Everything is covered with red weeds.

N3: Among the weeds are Martiansdead

Henry: Is the war over?

N1: Henry slowly makes his way back to Maybury.

N2: Everything is destroyed

Henry (crying): Am I the last man on Earth?

N3: But when he gets to his house, it is still standing

N1: And Clara runs out

Clara: Oh, Henry! Everyone said you were dead, but I knew . . .

N2: They run to each other and hug.

Henry: The Martians are all dead? How can it be?

Clara: Some kind of human disease killed them. They had no defense against our germs.

N3: Henry and Clara hold each other.

N1: And the sky glows orange from the setting sun

Sepia tone image of H.G. Wells and the book he published, "The War of the Worlds"

© Historical Picture Archive/Corbis via Getty Images (H.G. Wells); Alamy Stock Photo (War of the Worlds)

Meet the Author 
H.G. Wells (1866-1946) wrote The War of the Worlds in 1897. Wells was a famous writer and a trained scientist. In his stories, he wrote about laser beams, televisions, and airplanes—before they existed!


You've just read “War of the Worlds.” Now it’s time to try this activity.

Tip: An inference is something that is not stated but can be figured out from clues in the text.

What to do: Imagine that you are Henry the day after you and Clara meet again. You’re telling Clara about everything that happened while you were apart, and she has some questions. Make inferences to answer each of her questions below with at least one complete sentence.

Clara: Why did so many people ignore you when you tried to warn them about the Martians?


Clara: Why did you and Joe stay in the abandoned house for so long?


Clara: What made Joe run out of the house when he did?


Clara: How did you know it was safe to leave the house?


videos (1)

Read-Aloud Fiction, Readers Theater Play

Skills in Action: What Is an Inference?

Learn how to make an inference with this fun animated video.
