R.1, R.3, R.4, R.7, W.1, SL.1, SL.2, L.4, L.6

Gods vs Giants

They’ve been enemies forever. They’re constantly at war. Who will win their latest showdown?

Based on the Norse mythThe Apples of Life

Before You Read: Click here for a handy audio guide. You’ll hear how some of the names and places in this play are pronounced.


Image of Thor battling a giant with lightning

Art by Randy Pollak

Battle Time
Thor fights a frost giant with his magical hammer.


*Starred characters have larger speaking parts.

  • *Narrators 1, 2, & 3  (N1, N2, N3
  • *Thiazi, a frost giant 
  • Hymir, a frost giant
  • Thrym, king of the frost giants  
  • *Odin, king of the gods (also called All-Father)   
  • Hoenir, a god
  • *Loki, a trickster god and a half-giant
  • *Idunn, goddess of youth
  • Freya, goddess of love
  • *Thor, god of war and thunder
  • Heimdall, a god and watchman


World map highlighting Norway, Sweden, and Denmark

Jim McMahon/Mapman ® 

The Vikings 
The Vikings came from Scandinavia, an area in Northern Europe. Today it includes the countries of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. 

N1: More than 1,000 years ago, Vikings lived in Scandinavia.

N2: That’s an area in Northern Europe.

N3: They worshipped many gods and believed the world had nine realms, or kingdoms.

N1: The gods ruled over all of the realms

N2: Humans lived in the realm of Midgard.

N3: The gods lived in the realm of Asgard.

N1: Terrible monsters called frost giants lived in the realm of Jotunheim.

N2: The gods and the frost giants were enemiesand constantly at war.

Image of viking soldiers sailing the ocean

Art by Randy Pollak

Skilled Fighters 
The Vikings were mighty warriors who were feared across Europe. They traveled across the sea in superfast boats like this one. 


Jotunheim, the realm of the frost giants

Image of six golden apples 

N3: In a huge ice castle, four frost giants sit at a stone table

N1: Hymir has a wound on his head

Thiazi: Did Thor beat you in battle again

Hymir: He would be nothing without his magical hammer

Thrym: We must put the gods in their place.

Hymir: But how?

Thrym: We must find their weakness. What is something the gods cannot live without

Thiazi: The Apples of Life

Hymir: Yes! They must eat one golden apple a day or they will age quickly and die.

Thiazi: We will steal those apples.

Hymir: But Idunn never lets them out of her sight.

Thiazi: Then we’ll take Idunn as well

Thrym: How?

N2: Thiazi’s eyes brighten

Thiazi: There is one god who will do anything to save himself. I will disguise myself and find him!


Later that dayMidgard, the realm of humans

N3: In a forest, three gods sit around a fire.

N1: Above them, a giant eagle sits in a tree. It is Thiazi in disguise.

Odin: Is the meat ready yet

Hoenir: It’s still raw.

Loki: What? It’s been cooking for hours.

Thiazi: Hee hee hee

N2: Thiazi swoops to the ground.

Thiazi: Your meat has been cursed. But if you share it with me, I will remove the curse

Odin: Well . . . all right

N3: Thiazi flicks his head. The meat starts to sizzle

Odin: It’s ready now

N1: Thiazi devours a large hunk of meat. Then he eats more. And more

Loki (angry): Hey! Save some for us.

N2: Loki grabs a stick and hits the eagle

Thiazi: You shall regret that!

N3: Thiazi grabs Loki in his talons and flies off

Loki: Let me down!

Thiazi: You gods think you rule the realms. But you do not rule us!

Loki: Who are you?

Thiazi: I am Thiazi, a frost giant. I will let you live only if you bring me Idunn and her Apples of Life

Loki: How? She never leaves the safety of Asgard.

Thiazi: I am sure you will think of something.

Loki: Fine! I’ll do it

N1: Thiazi swoops down and drops Loki by the campfire


That eveningAsgard, the realm of the gods

N2: The gods sit in their fancy gold-roofed hall. Idunn passes out apples

N3: She hands one to Odin.

Idunn: For you, All-Father

N1: Odin takes a large bite. His blue eyes start to sparkle.

N2: Loki walks over to Idunn

Loki: Idunn, I saw something today in Midgard. It was a tree with golden apples like yours

Idunn: My apples do not grow on trees. They magically appear in my basket

Loki: But these apples were so shiny. What if they’re better?

Idunn: There’s no way!

N3: Idunn starts to leave . . . then turns back to Loki

Idunn: Well, perhaps I should take a look at them.

Loki: I will take you to see them tomorrow!

Image of a castle with a rainbow walkway

Art by Randy Pollak

Asgard: Home of the Norse Gods
The Vikings believed the world was ruled by gods who lived in a place called Asgard. Thor, god of war and thunder, was the most popular. 


The next morningAsgard to Midgard

N1: Idunn and Loki walk across the rainbow bridge that leads out of Asgard

Idunn: Are you sure I will be safe outside Asgard

Loki: I will protect you.

Idunn: What if the giants get my apples? Then our greatest enemies would be immortal like us

Loki: I would never let that happen

N2: Idunn and Loki travel over rolling hills.

N3: They finally arrive at an old oak tree in the forest

Idunn: Loki, this tree doesn’t have any

N1: Thiazi, in eagle form, swoops down. He grabs Idunn and her apples

Idunn: No ! Loki! Help

N2: Loki watches them fly away


That eveningThe great hall in Asgard

N3: Odin sits on his throne. He looks around, puzzled.

Odin: I am ready for my apple. Where is Idunn?

Freya: I’ve never gone a day without an apple.

Hoenir: What will happen

Odin: Let’s not panic

N1: But a day passes. Then two days. Then three. Then a week.

N2: Idunn never comes.

N3: The gods’ faces become wrinkled.

Freya: Idunn is still missing

Thor: Where can she be

N1: Hoenir enters with Heimdall, the watchman

Heimdall: The last I saw Idunn, she was with Loki. They were heading toward the rainbow bridge

Odin (very angry): Bring me Loki. NOW!

Image of a soldier with large wings

Art by Randy Pollak

Loki the Trickster
Loki lived among the gods, but his father was a frost giant. He was always stirring up trouble. (He wasn’t all bad, though. He often helped solve the problems he caused!)


An hour laterThe great hall in Asgard

N2: Thor drags Loki in

Odin: Where is Idunn

Loki: Thiazi kidnapped her. What could I do

Thor: Why would she leave Asgard?

Loki: Well . . . I  told her there were other golden apples in Midgard

Odin: What!

Loki: I had no choice! Thiazi was going to kill me

Freya: Loki was always going to betray us. His father was a frost giant

Thor: As a half-giant, he can survive without the apples. But we cannot

Odin: Do you wish to see us dead

N3: Freya walks toward Loki, her sword raised.

Loki (scared): Wait! What if I could bring Idunn back?

N1: Freya freezes

Loki: I just need your falcon-feather cloak

Freya: Give you my special cloak? Ha!

Loki: It’s the only way

N2: Freya finally gives in

N3: Loki puts on the cloak, turns into a falcon, and flies away

Thor: Can we trust him?

Odin: No. But he is our only hope for survival.


A little laterThiazi’s castle in Jotunheim

N1: Loki lands at Thiazi’s castle. He removes the falcon cloak.

N2: He finds Idunn locked in a dark room.

Loki: Idunn, I have come to rescue you

Idunn: I will never trust you again!

Loki: The lives of all the gods depend on it. You only have to trust me one more time

Idunn: Trick me again and it will be your end

N3: Loki puts on the cloak

N1: He turns Idunn into a walnut and flies away with her in his talons.

N2: Just then, Thiazi returns to the castle

Thiazi: Idunn is gone! The Apples of Life are gone

N3: Thiazi looks up and sees a falcon flying away

Thiazi: Loki! Curse you! Curse all the gods

N1: Thiazi turns into an eagle and flies after Loki.


A short time laterAsgard

N2: Odin sees the falcon flying toward Asgard

Odin: It’s Loki! But the eagleThiaziis behind him!

Thor: Quick, let us gather all the wood we can

N3: The gods use all their strength to make a pile of wood near the entrance to Asgard

Odin: All right. Light the fire

N1: Thor uses his magical hammer to make lightning strike the pile.

Thor: Aaaaaaaaaaah!

N2: The wood catches fire

N3: Loki flies just above the fire. Then the flames rise higher. Thiazi can’t avoid them

Thiazi: Nooooooo!

N1: Thiazi burns to ash.

N2: Loki lands. He returns Idunn to her goddess form

N3: The gods gather round as she hands out apples

N1: They devour them. Their strength returns. Loki smiles.

Odin: It seems you will live another day, Loki. But beware. Betray us again, and it will be the end of you!  

Image of Thor and Loki

PictureLux/The Hollywood Archive/Alamy Stock Photo

Screen Stars 
Both Loki and Thor appear in Marvel movies and TV shows. Some details of their stories are pulled from Norse myths. Other details are made up by Marvel. 


You've just read “Gods Versus GiantsNow it’s time to try this activity

Tip: An inference is something that is not stated but can be figured out from clues in the text.

What to do: Imagine that you are Loki, the day after you returned Idunn to Asgard. You’re writing in your journal about the events of the past week or so. Make inferences to complete each sentence below. For clues, go back and look at the play.

Dear Diary,

       When the eagle Thiazi picked me up in his talons, I felt 

HintLook in Scene 2 for clues.

In order to get Idunn to leave Asgard, I had to make her feel

HintLook in Scene 3 for clues.

I told Idunn that I wouldn’t let the frost giants kidnap her, but I actually knew   

HintLook in Scenes 4 for clues.

The other gods forgave me, but I’m starting to get the feeling they think of me as someone who 

HintLook in Scenes 6, 7 and 8 for clues.


Pronunciation Guide

videos (2)

Readers Theater Play

Skills in Action: What Is an Inference?

Learn how to make an inference with this fun animated video.


Readers Theater Play

Into the World of the Vikings

Travel back in time to explore the world of the Vikings.
