no longer existing
Dinosaurs may be extinct, but you can still see their bones in many museums today.
photo credit: WilliamCUshman/Shutterstock
the smallest building blocks of all living things
In science class, we had to study cells from a frog.
photo credit: photowind/Shutterstock
the act or process of growing
Lifting weights and eating high-protein foods, like chicken, can help with muscle development.
photo credit: Nikita Wayhome/Shutterstock
very rare and in danger of dying out completely
Orangutans are endangered mostly because people have cut down many of the forests where they live.
photo credit: jeep2499/Shutterstock
the state of being kept in a place (like a prison or cage) and not being able to leave
The tiger has lived in captivity for years, and many people say it should be set free.
photo credit: GETSARA/Shutterstock
places where plants or animals naturally live or grow
Birds’ habitats include the trees where they build their nests.
photo credit: Mike Truchon/Shutterstock