having to do with money
I think I’d enjoy working as a financial planner because I’m really good with numbers.
photo credit: Chay_Tee/Shutterstock
fighting or strong disagreement
My friends couldn’t agree on where to hang out, so we ended up in conflict.
photo credit: cheapbooks/Shutterstock
a difficult or dangerous situation
Mikey’s family was in a crisis after his dad lost his job and his mom got into an accident.
photo credit: Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock
a deep feeling of embarrassment
I feel shame when I give the wrong answers in class, but my teacher reminds me it’s OK to make mistakes.
photo credit: Mix and Match Studio/Shutterstockk
a way of traveling from place to place
Of all the types of transportation in my city, the bus takes me to school the fastest.
photo credit: Zamrznuti tonovi/Shutterstock
a place or thing that provides something useful
Our library is a great resource for teens—there are computers to use, spaces to study, and even video games to borrow!
photo credit: fizkes/Shutterstock